Enhancing Customization with New Forms for Google Ad Manager Templates

Create Tailored Ad Experiences with Genecy GAM Templates

Each Google Ad Manager user employs the ad server uniquely, and every website has distinct requirements. This diversity results in varied ad positions and styles across sites. At Genecy, our Google Ad Manager (GAM) templates are designed with extensive customization options to ensure the best ad appearance tailored to your needs.

Upon purchasing a template, you receive the default installation file immediately. In addition to the default configuration, we offer a robust customization form. With this form, you can:

  • Hide unnecessary fields
  • Modify default values
  • Customize built-in assets like closing buttons

Recently, we’ve overhauled and enhanced the customization form. We addressed issues related to modifying default built-in assets (e.g., closing buttons) and now support multiple assets seamlessly.

The most significant update is the ability to save your customizations. You can now easily select from up to five previously generated versions and re-download the template with the latest updates. The customization form now directly provides a selected file for straightforward import into GAM, eliminating the need to extract ZIP bundles. For “out-of-page” versions, it ensures precise compatibility.

Save your customizations for Google Ad Manager templates

Moreover, multiline text fields now appear as textareas, allowing for easier input of longer JavaScript callbacks or other required code snippets.

Looking ahead, we plan to introduce further features such as highlighting fields with non-default values and a reset button to restore defaults. This feature is crucial as templates evolve, sometimes resulting in removed or renamed values. Additionally, we are exploring the possibility of importing the currently installed GAM template into the customization form to highlight differences, streamlining the ad customization process.

Explore our updated customization forms for Google Ad Manager templates and share your feedback on how we can further improve the process. Please note, access to customization forms is available for all purchases with templates licensed for 10 or more domains.