The Expander, creative template for Google Ad Manager, has the special functionality that notifies HTML banners about a state of the template - is collapsed or is expanded.
That allows banners developers to create more advanced creatives with the better user experience. For example, play a video in a banner only then, when creative is in the expanded state.
The Expander can send two notifications:
The template notifies HTML banners about its state with the JavaScript function "postMessage". A data is sent in JSON format. All data is sent with the variable "__geda" to prevent that other JavaScript functions override this data.
These JSON data are sent when a collapsed or an expanded HTML banner becomes visible:
These JSON data are sent when a collapsed or an expanded HTML banner becomes hidden:
The snippet of the JavaScript function to get a state of the creative template:
!function(a,b,c){var d=a.addEventListener?"addEventListener":"attachEvent",e=a[d],f="attachEvent"==d?"onmessage":"message";e(f,function(a){var d=a.message?"message":"data",e=a[d];try{e=JSON.parse(e)}catch(a){e=null}e&&"undefined"!=typeof e.__geda&&(e=e.__geda,"visible"==e.state?b():"hidden"==e.state&&c())},!1)}(window,
// callback when ad becomes visible
// callback when ad becomes hidden